Did you know?
How can we live well on our planet and use only as much water, wood and other raw materials as the earth can renew? The answer is: By living sustainably. Our experiments show you how to conserve raw materials and energy, how recycling works, and that we can also treat ourselves sustainably.
Experiments related to sustainability
What are renewable raw materials?
Plant-based raw materials such as potato starch, which is obtained from potatoes, are called renewable. This contrasts with substances made from petroleum.
What kind of garbage can you separate at home?
You can do a lot for the environment at home by separating waste: Glass, paper, plastic packaging, organic waste and special waste such as batteries can all be collected separately. Then little residual waste remains.
Which is more sustainable: driving a short distance by car or by bike?
Riding a bicycle. Cars that burn gasoline produce carbon dioxide when they are driven. This gas is one of the main causes of climate change.
What are the effects of climate change?
Climate change means that the earth is warming up. Warming is causing glaciers and ice at the North and South Poles to melt. In parts of the world there are droughts, elsewhere there are floods.